The art of remembering moments, people, and places through graphic design.

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● On a trip like no other. Peter and I set out on a week long road trip driving through the pacific north west and spent most of the time driving through California. The morning these were taken we woke up early and watched sunrise at Venice beach. we people watched and left before the afternoon because though we could’ve spent days wondering through Los Angelos I was very set on seeing the Golden Gate Bridge in the day light. All day we drove through California fields and got to San Fransisco right at rush hour. We made it to the look out point just as the sun set, and though I felt discouraged at first, the light became a wonderful pink and I couldn’t have been happier. This was the perfect time to admire the beautiful city and capture the moments that already felt like film.

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● After driving all day along the coasts of Ireland, the sun was setting and we arrived at the Giants Causeway. It was extremely cold, and we really didn’t care. We were looking off onto something so beautiful, something from a book. we were actually jumping for joy! hair flips and blurry photos and a wonderful shade of blue helped capture these photos and encapsulate a fond memory.

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● Self portraits have become a new favorite of mine. Using mirrors and paints and other objects from my room I can create something and know exactly how I want it to turn out. This project was especially fun to make.

● The details in Dublin. We spent several days here, many of these photos were taken on our first day. We covered lots of ground and saw lots of beautiful architecture and street art. The city was flourishing with interesting people and wonderful coffee shops. The little flags lining the alleyways and flowers somehow blooming in January made me smile very much. All the little details that made Dublin stand out were the most special to me. We stopped several times just to watch, watch the people go by on their bikes and to listen to all the accents.

● Pink hour in Chicago. This particular trip I took here I took some of my all time favorite photos. Big cities have lots of lines and lots of shadows, and right after the sun sets they all turn colors that remind you of a beautiful dream.


● While visiting New York City during the holiday season of 2018 we went to the American Museum of Natural History, also known as “the one from Night at the Museum”. We spent the entirety of the rainy afternoon here, and much time in the space exhibits.

A rock shop on the side of the interstate. We stopped cause of the eye catching dinosaurs and unicorns scattered across the parking lot. We met the owner who told us stories about when he lived out west looking for colorful stones and conversation p…

● A rock shop on the side of the interstate. We stopped cause of the eye catching dinosaurs and unicorns scattered across the parking lot. We met the owner who told us stories about when he lived out west looking for colorful stones and conversation pieces. He started watering the rocks because “they look prettier when they sparkle” and he gave peter and I two, as he called them, inspiration stones because we had “kind souls”.

● My room is where I feel most comfortable. It’s a safe space only I am ever in. It’s quiet and the walls are covered in postcards and old tickets. This is the room i’ve had since I was 3 years old, it’s changed as I have. But along with this comfortability comes lots of stress, lots of restlessness. I am here and safe but also always ready to leave, I am here but never inspired. I am here. but theres always something more

● It’s been a whole year since the seven of us embarked on our ten day journey across the Southwest. This trip didn’t go as perfectly planned as my well organized agenda described, but it was hectic and wonderful. It was everything it was supposed to be. I came home feeling inspired. The vibrant colors of the west, Wade and his ostrich farm, all the new, untouched places, the morning we were singing and dancing, the times we were exhausted, and all the moments in between. They all played out so perfectly. The west is an endearing place to be.

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● Running around downtown Memphis with our cameras every once in a while is never a bad idea. Here is Marius + his yellow glasses from an angle I was very excited to get.


● We were driving west, on the most exciting and exhilarating road trip we went lots of places and did lots of things. Stopping at the Utah sign we jumped off rocks and danced around, much like what the road sign said, life felt very elevated. For me, this trip changed a lot, I felt inspired and free and felt like nothing in the world could go bad. The minute we go home I was ready to leave again. There were so many wonderfully happy feelings along the way.

● While driving through back roads in Arkansas we stopped abruptly for no other reason than to take photos of the Mystery Machine, I spent the next day or so making a background that was only fitting.

● The beaches in Florida have more than just tourists and seagulls that steal your food, theres breathtaking sunsets and colors that make the sky and sand look like paintings.

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● Even across the Atlantic Ocean a museum was still my favorite place. This museum in particular was probably the most fascinating one I’d ever been to. It wasn’t modern and the floors creaked. All the taxidermy had an eerie look and there were dozens of cabinets of what looked like paper mache sharks. It felt like you were in a very faint memory of the past.


● The windy city is truly a magical place to be. It makes you feel like theres something more, like you are something more. It’s inspiring and full of different kinds of people.

● Halloween at Hogwarts! When you live in a city not abundant with castles, this place was perfect to stumble upon. I had so much fun editing these to make them feel like the storybook characters.

● For our one year anniversary I surprised peter with a projector movie night outside, and the movie being a video compilation I made him with clips of our first year.


● On a summer day in Chicago we ventured through chinatown and the areas and alleyways surrounding. It was sunny and windy, the perfect setting to explore any place we found.


● It was our last day in Dublin, Ireland. We were cold and worn out, but still very determined to find something to do. We ate breakfast at a sweet little cafe and found ourselves in the midst of lots of factories and big shipping trucks, but beyond all this was a bright red lighthouse. It was an illusion of sorts, it took us an hour to walk there! Our noses were frozen and our feet were numb. The unusual amount of people dressed in red made it all worth it to me

● “Activism Gear: Season 2” was a project with Birds Aren’t Real where we spent several weeks setting up themed shoots and finding the right people for them. I had so much fun with each and every one, and even more fun in making this collage to showcase them.


● Blurred memories in Chicago. This is how the city felt after a particular October day.

● Lyrics from a song he plays a lot, and a feeling I can relate too.

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● During our week at a resort in Mexico we did just about everything. One of our long days we ran around in sun dresses and though looking content we were very sweaty.

● Decembers in Memphis. Always very cold and always a new and distinct feeling to them. Peter, Ally and I spent the early afternoon climbing a chilly stairway onto a place that held lots of old memories. It’s way windier 25 stories up. We danced and laughed and watched people walking down below till our fingers froze.

● On March 25th, 2018 I asked Peter to be my boyfriend. Since then theres been picnics and breakfast dates and first times and day trips. Peter is endearing and inspiring. He is my favorite everything, I like doing life with him a whole lot. To encapsulate the feeling of him seems impossible yet also so natural. He is what love feels like.